For women, nothing's exciting about menopause. In reality, undergoing this stage can be quite discouraging (you'll know later why) and exhausting because of menopausal symptoms. These physical, emotional, and even psychological changes can disturb your lifestyle and affect your relationships with other people.
Hormonal imbalance is the primary culprit of all menopausal symptoms, and one way to treat this underlying problem is to undergo hormone replacement therapy. HRT is a treatment that involves the use of hormone tablets, creams, patches, or gels to stabilize your hormonal levels. Sadly, this therapy can be costly in the long run, especially if your doctor has recommended you to go through this therapy for quite some time.
Besides opting for HRT sessions, you can resort to natural remedies to mitigate your menopausal symptoms. Mother Nature has so much to offer for your menopausal problems, from various herbs, spices, flowers, fruits, oils, and even animal products.
If you want to discover more about the benefits you can get from Mother Nature, check out seven of the most popular and effective natural remedies for your menopausal issues.

7 Natural Remedies That Can Alleviate Your Menopausal Symptoms
1. Soybeans
All menopausal symptoms root from your lack of estrogens, which you can increase with phytoestrogens' help. These plant nutrients have estrogenic properties and can bind weakly on estrogen receptors, thereby helping your body stabilize its hormonal levels.
Among the phytoestrogens, isoflavones have been considered significant in alleviating menopausal symptoms like hot flashes. Fortuitously, you can get your load of isoflavones from soybeans and other soy products such as tofu, tempeh, soy milk, and soy sauce.
Many groups of researchers have focused on studying the connection between soy isoflavones and menopausal symptoms. Unanimously, the results showed the significance of soy products in reducing inflammatory proteins during menopause.
2. Ginseng
Many herbs and their roots have been prevalent therapeutic ingredients since ancient times, and one of them is the ginseng. Back then, people use ginseng as food and as a strengthening ingredient that can prolong one's life.
This medicinal plant has been an age-old remedy to various menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, low sex drive, and mood changes. And yes, multiple groups of researchers have sought answers regarding ginseng's effect on menopausal symptoms. For instance, a 2013 study has found that ginseng's saponin compounds called ginsenosides have estrogenic properties. The same study also showed how Korean red ginseng (KRG) improved the participants' sexual appetite and reduced depression compared with the placebo.
Ginseng is also used to cure menopause-induced alopecia. The National Institutes of Health in the USA has recognized ginseng's potential to boost hair growth. Some studies have shown KRG's capability of preventing dihydrotestosterone (DHT) from hindering keratinocyte proliferation for hair growth. Ginseng can also stimulate dermal papilla cell growth, beneficial for hair follicle development.
3. Black Cohosh
Also known as a fairy candle, black cohosh is a flowering plant that has been widely used for alleviating menopausal problems. This perennial herb native to the Northeastern parts of America is famous for reducing menopausal hot flashes and night sweats. Studies that focused on the connection between black cohosh and hot flashes have similar results; most female participants in their menopausal transition reported a reduction in hot flash episodes.
Black cohosh is also said to be rich in phytoestrogens, plant nutrients with estrogenic properties. That is why many people are convinced that black cohosh is an effective menopausal remedy for decreased libido, sudden palpitations, mood swings, vaginal dryness, and sleeping issues.
Some reviews have also stated the benefits of using black cohosh to reduce menopause-induced psychological symptoms.

4. Green Tea
Green tea consumption has been a part of people's lifestyles for ages. People drink tea to warm their bodies or enjoy relaxing. But for women experiencing fatigue during the menopausal transition, green tea is considered a blessing. In 2009, a group of researchers found green tea's bone-strengthening properties to mitigate the onset of body aches.
Stress is also another after-effect of menopause, which often leads to a ripple of other symptoms. Green tea also contains theanine that can curb the increase of cortisol or stress hormones in your body, thereby preventing insomnia, hot flashes, anxiety, and depression.
However, matcha green tea is much better than regular green tea, for it contains more antioxidants for hair growth. Matcha green tea is also more packed with nutrients, such as vitamin C, selenium, and magnesium, all of which are essential for stabilizing hormonal levels.
Unfortunately, before bedtime, green tea consumption is not recommended, especially for menopausal women suffering from sleeping problems. It would be best to drink its decaffeinated version or consume it early in the morning for an energy boost.
5. Ground flax seeds
Flax seeds or linseeds may not be your typical snack, but including ground flax seeds in your diet can offer menopausal relief.
Both estrogen and progesterone affect your body's gastrointestinal functions since your intestines have estrogen receptors. So, when their levels decline during the perimenopause, you are more prone to suffering from constipation. Your pelvic muscles also weaken, making it more difficult to have regular bowel movements.
But don't worry about being constipated, for you've got ground flax seeds to alleviate this menopausal problem. Flax seeds contain plant-based compounds called lignans, which are also estrogenic. These phytonutrients can bind to your intestines' estrogen receptors, thereby preventing constipation.
You can also munch on flax seeds if you're aiming to maintain your body shape even in your 40s and 50s. Flax seeds are rich in fiber but low in carbohydrate content, making it a perfect weight management partner.
6. Red clover tea
Mother Nature can provide you an overwhelming number of herbs and flowers to use in brewing tea. For instance, you can use the petals of a red clover (Trifolium pratense) flower. This wild perennial plant, which grows in Western Asia, South America, Europe, and Africa, has been used as a traditional medicinal herb. It is also believed to be an effective cure for menopausal symptoms.
Red clover also contains isoflavones, which are best known to have estrogenic properties. Small studies have found red clover's potential in reducing hot flashes. Other research also focused on its isoflavones being a catalyst of good cholesterol, which can be beneficial for premenopausal women's cardiovascular health. Red clover's isoflavones can also boost bone strength and density, thereby preventing osteoporosis's early onset.
The best way to reap red clover's nutrients is to brew its petals. Pour hot water on a cup filled with one to three tablespoons of dried red clover petals. After minutes of steeping, you can now enjoy your moment with a hot cup of red clover tea.
7. Vitamin E-enriched foods
Natural supplements play a vital role in mitigating menopausal symptoms. In fact, premenopausal women need a healthy dose of vitamin E to get through this menopausal journey.
During perimenopause, some women may suffer from vaginitis, which includes vaginal dryness and hypersensitivity due to a lack of estrogen in the body. This sudden change in your genital can decrease your libido, which can adversely affect your sex life, mood, and energy. One way to treat vaginal dryness is to use vitamin E. You can crack some vitamin-E capsules and use the oil to lubricate your vaginal lining. Vitamin E has moisturizing properties, making it an effective natural moisturizer for your vagina. Of course, it is essential to seek medical advice before doing so.
Besides being a lubricant, vitamin E can also relieve other menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, and hair loss. Low estrogen levels often lead to high-stress levels that can trigger such menopausal issues. But with vitamin E, you can reduce hot flash episodes while boosting hair regrowth simultaneously.
Studies on the connection between vitamin E consumption and menopausal hot flashes have given positive results. Female participants who have undergone the vitamin E therapy had fewer and weaker hot flash attacks than those who haven't taken any tocopherol supplement.
Vitamin E is rich in antioxidants that inhibit oxidative stress from damaging hair follicles. It is also a significant pH balancer and natural moisturizer that can benefit perimenopausal women suffering from dry locks. Vitamin E can also stimulate blood flow on the scalp for hair follicle nourishment.
The best way to get your daily dose of vitamin E is to include a hearty supply of vitamin E-enriched foods in your diets, such as nuts, seeds, avocados, fatty fish, and red peppers. You can also buy over-the-counter vitamin E supplements if you want to use its oil for vaginal lubrication and scalp massages.
Nature Has So Much to Offer for Menopausal Relief.
Before the world has gotten to know scientific medical procedures to treat illnesses, natural remedies have already been used for ages. However, not every natural remedy can entirely get rid of menopausal symptoms. Nature has so much to offer for your menopausal relief, but you must be careful with what you consume and apply to your body. Therefore, it is essential to seek medical advice to know what's best for you during your menopausal journey.
Use Natural Ingredients for Your Hair Care Regimen.
Hair thinning in women is a common menopausal sign. Thus, it would be best to protect your locks during your menopausal transition using the best shampoo for thinning hair. Always opt for the best hair growth products made with natural ingredients to ensure your tresses' healthy growth and regrowth.