Do you ever wonder how long it takes for your locks to grow? Even after years of avoiding salon trips, you might still be disappointed with your hair length. Well, your hair does not improve within a snap of a finger. Your crowning glory's reign depends on various circumstances. Get to know the common factors impacting your hair growth.
1. Hair follicle growth
A human has millions of follicles around the body, of which 100 000 are underneath the scalp. Each follicle is where every hair fiber begins to grow. It is vital to have as many healthy hair follicles as possible to ensure the voluminous and long hair look that every woman craves.
2. Genes
Genetics plays a huge part in the hair growth process, from your hair's texture and density up to the number of hair strands on your scalp spiking up. Studies show that genes can be the root of female hair loss. You may have zero control over the blood flowing through your veins but never lose hope. If budget permits, early detection is a preemptive measure against losing your hair.
3. Age
As you grow old, the hair growth rate decelerates. Hair follicles even start deteriorating, thereby adversely affecting the quality and quantity of your strands. Cells begin to degenerate, thus losing their ability to multiply and perform bodily functions. Hair also becomes less pigmented as time goes by. As women age, they begin experiencing thinning hair, partial hair loss, and eventually baldness.
4. Stress
As an enemy of any body part, stress harms your hair health in various ways. However, feeling distressed is known to trigger hormonal imbalance and cause hair loss. When you are stressed, your brain signals the adrenal glands to release a hormone called cortisol. These chemicals hasten your hair's life cycle, shifting the follicles from its growth phase to resting. Hair fall becomes the result of accelerated hair growth. According to studies, stress is among the culprits of female hair loss.
5. Diet
You are what you eat. Nourishing your body produces a ripple of effects, may it be positive or negative. Your hair's lifeline depends on your diet. Eating nutritious meals can revamp your hair's capability of growing. On the other hand, feasting on unhealthy foods can weaken hair growth. What should be included in your diet to stimulate faster hair growth? Focus on rich sources like fatty fish, eggs, milk, and meat. Include green leafy vegetables to boost the antioxidants in your body. Your daily consumption may not speed up hair growth in a blink of an eye, but it can provide the nutrients your mane needs.
6. Environment
Your hair is always at risk every time there is an exposure to harmful external factors. Pollution, heat, chemicals, and radiation are among the common environmental elements that one must avoid.
7. Hair products
Not all salon treatments lather the best hair products onto your mane. Hair growth is greatly influenced by the ingredients found in your hair growth products. Certain chemicals can irritate your scalp and weaken your follicles, which can delay your locks from lengthening.

How Fast Should Your Hair Grow?
Human hair grows an average of half an inch every month. Your hair goes through a life cycle, with each phase having its lifespan. During the anagen, hair growth becomes active. This stage can last for 2-8 years. After some time, your hair gradually halts growing during the catagen stage. After a few weeks, your strands start falling out throughout the telogen or "resting" stage.
However, there are cases in which any of these stages become altered. Various factors like stress and poor diet can prompt your strands in the anagen phase to undergo catagen and telogen phases. Therefore, hair length and growth depend on how long it undergoes and stays in the anagen stage.

Debunking Hair Growth Myths
Numerous hair practices have been passed down from generation to generation. Though tested through time, some habits are still traditional practices with no scientific data to back them up. Let's debunk six famous hair care myths.
Myth #1: Brushing your hair for a hundred times hastens hair growth.
Stroking your hair with a brush is beneficial for your scalp. It stimulates blood circulation, nourishing your hair follicles. However, combing your hair for a hundred times will not give you Rapunzel-like strands. Too much brushing can cause abrasions on your scalp. It can also weaken your strands and cause them to fall out.
Myth # 2: Regular haircuts make your hair grow faster.
Getting regular trimming sessions at the salon won't speed up the whole hair growth process. However, it does help in keeping your mane healthy. You'll get rid of split ends, which can cause thinning hair and strand damage. Trimming your tresses also helps you to achieve a thicker-looking hair.
Myth # 3: Shampooing your hair every day declines hair growth.
Shampooing will not shed your hair. In reality, shampoos are essential cleansing products to maintain a healthy mane. They help in removing oil build-up on your scalp and prevent dandruff and scalp infections.
Now, when does shampooing become a red alert? It all goes back to the kind of shampoo you are using. Many hair growth shampoos claim to have all-natural ingredients. So before you decide on what product to lather onto your hair, you should research first. Choose a shampoo that contains only natural and toxic-free ingredients. Do not forget to select according to your hair type and concerns.
Myth # 4: Change your hair growth products every several months.
Frequent switching of hair products isn't a smart move for your wallet. Not only does it sound impractical, but it can adversely affect the speed of your hair growth.
Here's the truth: your hair doesn't build immunity after using some products. If your shampoo and conditioner suddenly become ineffective for your hair, you might need to change your current favorites.
Hair isn't permanent; it gets affected internally and externally. Exposure to pollution, heat, dirt, sweat, and other environmental factors can change your hair's condition. Nutrient deficiency, constant stress, and poor hair care habits can also deteriorate your locks' quality. Hence, your hair growth products must go hand in hand with a healthy lifestyle to ensure faster and more robust hair growth.
Myth # 5: Shaving your hair will make hair grow faster and thicker.
There are two points to consider why shaving is a big no-no. First, the act of shaving is rough for your scalp. Shaving can damage your scalp's outermost layer, which is responsible for moisture retention.
Second, shredding your hair using any shaving tool will only give you a falsified feeling of thickness. In reality, the blunted tip of the strand feels course, giving you a thick texture. The end part of the follicle is already thicker than the visible part of the strand. By the time it starts to grow, the thicker part arises first, giving a voluminous impression.
Lastly, shaving your hair won't make it grow back in a day or two. Your strands grow at the same rate, no matter how many times you cut them.
Myth # 6: Sleeping while wearing your hair down speeds up hair growth.
There is no correlation between slumbering with your hair down and hair growth. You can still tie your locks before you snooze without worrying about delayed hair growth. However, brushing your loose hair gets rid of any entangled strand, thus prevent more hair damage.
On the other hand, enough sleeping time does affect your hair's life cycle. Lack or excess in sleep can cause an imbalance in your melatonin level, affecting each hair growth phase. Your epithelial cells are also active workers during your sleep. Having an ample amount of time for sleeping allows these cells to work on your hair growth. Say no to sleep deprivation and yes to healthy hair growth.
If you can't wait for your mane to grow faster, hair extensions might be your immediate solution. Wearing hair extensions can instantly add volume, length, and density to your hair. These add-ons will gratify your hairstyle goals.
Before you decide on getting some extra strands of hair, always remember various methods of applying for hair extensions. Taping or clipping in these extensions is safe for your mane. However, permanent hair extensions require glue to bond your natural hair and the strand extensions. This method can damage your tresses. If you want instant long hair without causing hair impairment, use clip-in extensions.
To sum it up, hair growth depends on how you take good care of yourself. Though genes and aging are two inevitable factors, you can still regulate how fast your hair grows. Start your transformation with a balanced diet and a healthy grooming routine.
Learn, unlearn, and relearn about how to make your hair grow faster. Find out more about hair vitamins and the best hair growth products for hair loss cure and hair restoration.