Food Matters: 9 Foods That Will Make Your Hair Grow Faster July 20, 2020Want longer, stronger hair? Check out our expert guide to the top foods for promoting hair growth. From salmon to sweet potatoes, we'll show you how to eat your way...
Hair Care Queries: How Fast Should Your Hair Grow July 20, 2020Do you ever wonder how long it takes for your locks to grow? Even after years of avoiding salon trips, you might still be disappointed with your hair length. Well,...
Hair Care Movement: 9 Ways to Speed Up Your Hair Growth July 17, 2020Do you want an upgrade for your short locks? Well, lengthening your tresses may consume an ample time, and it may hamper your dream hair makeover. If your patience meter...
Causes of Female Hair Loss: Why Your Hair is Losing its Battle July 13, 2020Seeing a ball of hair on the floor or your comb is pretty normal. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, a human regularly sheds 50 to 250 hair strands every day....
How to Grow Your Hair Longer: Female Hair Care 101 July 12, 2020Waiting for something is antagonizing, just like lengthening your hair strands. For every woman, having long hair is a real deal because it has always been an enticing part of femininity. It improves your overall appearance...
The Best Hairstyles for Women with Thinning Hair July 11, 2020Fashion does not solely revolve around garments and accessories. Styling one's hair is also one of a woman's fashion concerns. It is an undeniable fact that having thick hair opens...